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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. vol.21 número3


Academic year: 2018

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R evista da Sociedade B rasileira de M ed icin a Tropical 21(3): 155, Jul-Set, 1988.





TYPE 1 (HIV-1)

H .L . G u e r r a 1, M .F .F . L im a C o s ta 3

U .H .M . P a u lin o 2 , F .A . P r o ie t tP , C .M .F . A n tu n e s 3 a n d M .D .G G u im a r ã e s 3

A n association betw een m alaria, schistosomia­

sis and tropical splenomegaly and hum an immunode­

ficiency virus type 1 (H IV -1) seropositivity has been

observed in A frica1 2 . Recently, the cross-reactivity

betw een infection with

S c h i s t o s o m a m a n s o n i


HIV-1 seropositivity was n o t confirmed in Brazil5.

The potential cros-reactivity among other endemic o f

epidemic diseases in developing countries and HIV-1

has n ot been investigated as o f yet. W e studied the

possible cross-reactivity betw een dengue (break bone

fever) and H IV -1.

In D ecem ber, 1986 there were 3000 cases of

dengue and 10 cases o f A cquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (A ID S ) in C eará State in N o rtheast of

Brazil3 4. W e analyzed sera o f 89 individuals with

dengue in this State (46 m ales and 43 females; m ean

age = 32 ± 16 years). A ll sera were tested b y E L IS A

(Salk D upont Laboratories) and all o f them were

negative for HIV-1 antibodies in a t least tw o of three

examinations. T his result dem onstrates th a t there was

no cross-reactivity betw een dengue and HIV-1 in the

investigated B razilian patients.


1. Biggar R J, Joh n son B K , O ster C , Sarin P S , O ch en g D , T ukei P , N sa n z e H , A lexan d er S , B odner A J , S ion gok T A , G a llo R C , Blattner W A . R egion al variation in prevalence o f antibody against H um an T -lym photropic virus ty p es I and H I in K en y a , E a st A frica. Internatio­ nal Journal o f C an cer 35: 7 6 3 -7 6 7 , 1 9 8 5 .

2. Biggar R J, M elb y e M , Sarin P S , G ig a se P L , K esten s L , Bodner A J , D e m ed ts P , S teven s W J, Palu ku L , D e la -collette C , B lattner W A . E L IS A H T L V retrovirus antibodies reactivity a sso cia ted w ith m alaria and im m une com p lexes in healthy A frican s. T h e L ancet II: 5 2 0 - 5 2 3 ,1 9 8 5 .

3. Brasil. M in istério da Saúde. D iv isã o de D erm atologia Sanitária. D istrib u ição d o s ca so s notificad os de A I D S no Brasil. B rasília. 3 p (m im eo). D ezem b ro , 1 9 8 6 . 4. Brasil. M in istério da Saúde. Superintendência de

Cam panhas de Saúde P ú blica, D iretoria R egion al do Ceará. F ortaleza, l p (m im eo). D ezem b ro , 1986. 5. C osta M F F L , Proietti F A , P aulin o U H M , A n tu n es

C M F , G uim arães M D C , R och a R S & K a tz N . A b se n ­ ce o f cross-reactivity betw een S c h i s t o s o m a m a n s o n i

infection and hum an im m unod eficiency virus (H IV ). T ransactions o f the R oy a l S o c iety o f T ropical M ed icin e and H y g ie n e 8 2 :2 6 2 , 1 9 8 8 .

1. Superintendência d e C am panhas de S aú d e P ú b lica (S U C A M ), M in istério da Saúde, Brasil.

2. Laboratório, P ós-G rad u ação em M ed icin a T ropical, U niversidade F ed eral d e M in as G erais.

3. G ru po Interdepartam ental de P esq u isas em E pid em io-logia, U n iversid ad e F ed eral de M in as G erais. C aixa P ostal: 3 6 0 , B e lo H orizon te, M in as G erais, Brasil.

R eceb id o para pu b licação em 2 2 /6 /8 7 .


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