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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.24 número5


Academic year: 2018

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Analysis of speech and t ongue m ot ion in norm al

and post- glossect om y speaker using cine MRI

Jinhee HA1, Iel-yong SUNG2, Jang-ho SON2, Maureen STONE3, Robert ORD4, Yeong-cheol CHO2

1- University of Ulsan, Ulsan University Hospital, College of Medicine, Department of Dentistry, Ulsan, South Korea.

2- University of Ulsan, Ulsan University Hospital, College of Medicine, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ulsan, South Korea. 3- University of Maryland, Department of Oral and Craniofacial Biological Science, Baltimore, United States of America.

4- University of Maryland, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Baltimore, United States of America.

Corresponding address: Yeong-cheol Cho - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - College of Medicine - Ulsan University Hospital - University of Ulsan - 290-3, Ulsan University Hospital - Jeonha-dong - Dong-gu - Ulsan City - South Korea - Phone: 82-52-250-7230 - Fax: 82-52-250-7236 - e-mail: cyc73200@naver.com



bj ect ive: Since t he t ongue is t he oral st ruct ure responsible for m ast icat ion, pronunciat ion, and swallowing funct ions, pat ient s who undergo glossect om y can be affect ed in various aspect s of t hese funct ions. The vow el / i/ uses t he t ongue shape, w hereas / u/ uses t ongue and lip shapes. The purpose of t his st udy is t o invest igat e t he m orphological changes of t he t ongue and t he adapt at ion of pronunciat ion using cine MRI for speech of pat ient s w ho undergo glossect om y. Mat erial and Met hods: Twent y- t hree cont rols ( 11 m ales and 12


experim ent . The pat ient s underwent glossect om y surgery for T1 or T2 lat eral lingual t um ors. The speech t asks “ a souk” and “ a geese” w ere spoken by all subj ect s providing dat a for t he vowels / u/ and / i/ . Cine MRI and speech acoust ics were recorded and m easured t o com pare t he changes in t he t ongue w it h vow el acoust ics aft er surgery. 2D m easurem ent s w ere m ade of t he int erlip dist ance, t ongue- palat e dist ance, t ongue posit ion ( ant erior- post erior and superior- inferior) , t ongue height on t he left and right sides, and pharynx size. Vow el


a great er effect seen in / u/ t han / i/ . Conclusion: The pat ient s show ed com plex adapt at ion


cavit y size relat ionships t o m aint ain t he value of t he form ant frequencies.

Ke yw or ds: Glossect om y. Cine MRI . Tongue. Speech.


I n r ecent year s, speech adapt at ion has been st udied in pat ient s w ho have received glossect om y su r g e r y f o r o r a l ca n ce r1 5. Po st - g l o sse ct o m y

ar t iculat ion m ay be poor because of ir r egular it y


from irregular deform at ions of t he t ongue. Pat ient s m ay also have lim it ed t ongue range of m ot ion, d ef or m at ion ab ilit y, an d f ib r osis, all of w h ich can reduce speech qualit y. St udies have isolat ed several m aj or fact or s t hat affect speech qualit y aft er glossect om y surgery. Larger t um or size has a m ore negat ive im pact on pat ient art iculat ion and

swallowing funct ion aft er surgery14,23. Tum or locat ion

also im pact s art iculat ion qualit y w it h t he ant erior t ongue having t he biggest im pact on art iculat ion qualit y and t he t ongue base hav ing t he biggest im p act on sw allow in g1 0 , 2 1. Tu m or in v asion an d

radiat ion t reat m ent also affect post - glossect om y sp eech . Pat ien t s w h o u n d er w en t su r g er y p lu s radiat ion t herapy also show ed w orse funct ion t han pat ient s w ho only underw ent surgery13.

I n order t o rest ore t he ext ensive t issue losses of t he oral cavit y w hen m id and large size t um ors are rem oved, reconst ruct ion m ay be perform ed using

DUDGLDOIRUHDUPIUHHÀDS17 or an ant erolat eral t high




t he best way t o im prove t he qualit y of life of pat ient s aft er surgery based on an assessm ent of funct ion in


Chen, et al.7 ( 2002) , however, report ed t hat pat ient s

w h o u n d er w en t h em i g l o ssect o m y an d p ar t i al


in t erm s of speech. They found t hat scar t issue


m ov em en t of t h e t on g u e, an d t h at a p r im ar y cl o su r e m ad e t h e ar t i cu l at i o n m o r e accu r at e aft er hem iglossect om y and par t ial glossect om y. However, Sun, et al.21 ( 2007) report ed no difference

in t he speech degradat ion of pat ient s w ho w ere UHFRQVWUXFWHG ZLWK IUHH ÀDS YV DQ DGMDFHQW ÀDS and Nicollet t i, et al.13 ( 2004) found no difference

EHWZHHQ SULPDU\ DQG ÀDS FORVXUH ,QVWHDG WKH\ f ou n d t h at pr eser v at ion of t h e t ip w as k ey t o ret ent ion of speech qualit y, and t hat loss of t he t ip was as disrupt ive as a hem it ongue glossect om y.

The present paper uses F1 and F2 values for v ow els, alon g w it h t on gu e m ot ion pat t er n s, t o evaluat e t ongue funct ion in pat ient s who underwent p a r t i a l l a t er a l g l o ssect o m y. Cen t r a l i za t i o n o f v o w e l s h a s b e e n o b se r v e d i n sp e a k e r s w i t h glossect om y using F1- F2 plot s4,22, w hich im plies

poor er ar t iculat ion accuracy and a r educt ion in int elligibilit y. Dist inct iveness am ong vow els m ay be m or e im por t an t t h an global v ow el space in GHWHUPLQLQJ YRZHO LQWHOOLJLELOLW\ VLQFH VLJQL¿FDQW expansion of vow el space area can be a product of acoust ic changes in j ust one vow el12. The vow el / i/

LVRIWHQFRQVLGHUHGYHU\GLI¿FXOWIRUJORVVHFWRP\ speakers t o execut e because it requires considerable ant er ior t ongue elevat ion and a for war d t ongue body2 2. I n an ex am inat ion of / i/ , Whit ehill and


values of F1 bet w een glossect om y pat ient s and cont rols, but pat ient s had low er F2 values.

Kaj i, et al.9 ( 2007) found differences bet w een

post- glossect om y gender differences in t he form ant frequencies of / i/ . I n fem ales, F2 and F3 values were reduced for pat ient s regarding cont rols. I n m ales, F1 values w ere higher in pat ient s t han in cont rols. They hypot hesized t hat m en and w om en process speech different ly aft er a part ial glossect om y.

I n recent years, im proved im aging m et hodology h as allow ed t h e com b in ed st u d y of st r u ct u r e a n d m o v em en t o f t h e t o n g u e. I n t h e 1 9 5 0 s


m ovem ent2, and m or e r ecent ly cineradiography


t h er e a r e l i m i t a t i o n s i n cl i n i ca l u se o f X- r ay because of t he risk of radiat ion exposure8. Ot her

alt er nat iv es t o X- ray include ult rasound, w hich provides represent at ions of t he t ongue in m ot ion18

and in 3D19. The ult rasound wave does not pose

any healt h risks and can ident ify t he m orphological changes of t he t ongue during speech or swallowing. Rast adm ehr, et al.17 ( 2008) used ult rasound t o

ex am in e t on gu e v elocit y du r in g t h e speech of lat eral part ial glossect om y pat ient s and report ed t h a t a co m p e n sa t o r y m e ch a n i sm w o r k e d t o increase velocit y of t he residual t ongue14. Magnet ic

Resonance I m aging ( MRI ) has also been used t o obser ve soft t issue clinically. The use of MRI in speech research began wit h t he recording of st eady st at e vow els using st at ic MRI3. St at ic MRI reveals

t he anat om y of st ruct ures in t he vocal t ract such as t he t ongue surface and t he vocal t ract airway. But , st at ic MRI is lim it ed t o quant ifying and m odeling st at ic feat ures, and cannot be used t o t rack t ongue m ot ion during speech20. The int roduct ion of cine

MRI , w hich produces a t im e series of MR im ages, great ly enhanced t he in vivo visualizat ion of t he t ongue’s m ot ion during speech.

The purpose of t his st udy is t o invest igat e t he m or p h olog ical ch an g es of t h e t on g u e an d t h e adapt at ion of pr onunciat ion using cine MRI for speech of pat ient s w ho undergo glossect om y.


This was a ret rospect ive st udy, w hich exam ined d at a t h at h ad b een collect ed t o st u d y sp eech pr oduct ion in glossect om ies. The pr esent st udy focused on vowels t o ascert ain whet her sounds t hat appear t o sound norm al can show com pensat ory ar t iculat or y st rat egies, w hich ar e differ ent fr om cont r ols. This st udy used a 2x 2 fact or ial design w it h repeat ed m easures, in w hich t he t w o fact ors w ere subj ect group ( glossect om ies, cont rols) and vow el ( / i/ , / u/ ) . The repeat ed m easures w ere t he dependent variables indicat ed in “ Dat a analysis” sect ion. Occasionally, gender ( m ale, fem ale) was used as a t hird fact or, or independent variable, for som e of t he com parisons.

Su bj e ct s a n d spe e ch m a t e r ia ls

Tw en t y t h r ee n or m al con t r ols an d 1 3 p ost -glossect om y pat ient s ( Figure 1) served as volunt eers for t he st udy. All w ere nat ive speakers of Am erican English. The cont rol group consist ed of 11 m ales and 12 fem ales. The pat ient group consist ed of eight


cont rol group and pat ient group w ere 39.75 years old and 45.3 years old, respect ively. All pat ient s r eceiv ed a par t ial lat er al glossect om y w it h n o subsequent radiat ion or chem ot herapy. Two pat ient s



or by head and neck surgeons at Johns Hopkins Hospit al. Subj ect s signed approved consent form s of t he I nst it ut ional Review Board in each locat ion.

Speech t ask s w er e “ a geese,” and “ a souk .” These t asks w ere chosen for several reasons. They can be repeat ed in less t han 1 second, w hich is w it hin t he lim it s of our MRI recording syst em . The


neut ral t ongue posit ion. For “ souk ”, t he t ongue m oves int o t he / s/ and t hen prim arily backwards int o / u/ and / k/ . For “ geese”, t he t ongue m oves int o t he / g/ and t hen prim arily forwards int o / i/ and / s/ . The w ords use very lit t le j aw opening, so t ongue deform at ion is t he m ain com ponent of m ot ion and bot h vowels are bounded by a velar st op ( / k/ or / g/ ) and a linguo- alveolar fricat ive ( / s/ ) . One pat ient


had no dat a at all for / i/ , since he only recorded “ a souk”. One cont rol did not have acoust ic dat a for


did have MRI dat a. These dat aset s w ere excluded from t he relat ed st at ist ical analyses.

I n st r u m e n t s a n d r e cor din g pr oce du r e

Subj ect s w ere posit ioned in a supine posit ion in t he MRI scanner w it h t he neck coil posit ioned t o im age t he area from t he low er nasal cavit y t o t he upper t rachea.

Au dio r e cor din gs


m ade prior t o t he MRI scan t o provide good qualit y acoust ic dat a for form ant analysis. The subj ect was posit ioned supine in a dent al chair t o sim ulat e t he MRI recording posit ion. The subj ect repeat ed each MRI w ord seven t im es and t hese recordings w ere


vow els / i/ and / u/ . The recording was m ade w it h a head m ount ed short- range, unidirect ional, dynam ic m icrophone (Audiot echnica, I nc, Model AT857AMa, Tokyo, Japan) connect ed t o an Olym pus WS- 500M digit al voice recorder. The second recording was m ade inside t he MRI scanner. Subj ect s spoke t he speech t asks t o a m et ronom e before and during MRI scanning. This recording was used t o segm ent t he vowels and ident ify t he MRI t im e- fram es of int erest .


Or Yeh u d a , I sr a el ) ca p t u r ed t h e sp eech a n d passively subt ract ed t he MRI noise before recording t he waveform ont o an Olym pus WS- 500M digit al voice recorder. Bot h t he m et ronom e beat s and t he speech w ere recorded.


t w o w ere used for t he t w o syllables of t he t ask ( a souk or a geese) and t he second t w o w ere used t o t im e an inhalat ion and exhalat ion. This cont rolled all m ot ion during t he MRI recording. The m et ronom e was also used t o t rigger t he MRI scanner so t he


syst em was based on t he one developed by Masaki, et al.11 ( 1999) .

Cin e M RI r e cor din gs

Cine MRI dat aset s w er e collect ed in m ult iple plan es, w h ile t h e su bj ect r epeat ed t h e speech t asks t o t he beat of t he m et ronom e. Because soft t issue produces a w eak signal and t he t im e fram es ar e shor t ( 38 m sec) , m ult iple r epet it ions of t he w ord w ere collect ed and averaged t o produce a single m ovie. To collect a com plet e dat aset , t he su b j ect r ep eat ed each sp eech t ask f iv e t im es

per slice. A 3-Tesla MR syst em ( Magnet om Tr io, Siem ens Medical Solut ions, Er langen, Ger m any ) was used w it h an eight channel head and neck

Name Age Sex Tumor stage Follow-up Closure method

1 46 WF T1(RT) 8mo pc

2 29 WM T1(RT) 3yrs3mo pc

3 43 WM T1(LT) 1yr ÀDS

4 50 WM T2(LT) 2yr8mo pc

5 44 WM T1(LT) 33mo pc

6 31 WF T1(LT) 1yr10mo pc

7 61 WM T2(LT) 8yrs ÀDS

8 44 WM T1(LT) 8mo pc

9 37 WF T2(RT) 20mo pc

10 40 WF T2(RT) 4yrs1mo pc

11 60 WF T1(LT) 6mo pc

12 59 WM T2(LT) 8mo pc

13 45 WM T2(RT) 9mo pc

Figure 1- Summary of patient data


coil. The param et ers w ere: FOV= 240 m m , voxel size= 1.87x1.87x6.0 m m , t im e- fram es= 26. St acks of Cine MRI im ages w ere recorded in t he sagit t al, coronal and axial planes ( Figure 2) . Depending on t he size of t he subj ect ’s t ongue, t he sagit t al st ack


axial st ack cont ained bet w een 10 and 14 slices. Measur em ent s w er e m ade fr om t he m idsagit t al slice and t he cor onal slice t hat int er sect ed t he second m olar, since t his was encom passed by t he resect ed region.

Acou st ic a n a lyse s


m easured for t he / i/ and / u/ in each subj ect using t he form ant t racker of Wavesurfer program . The aut om at ically ext ract ed form ant t raj ect ories w ere visually com pared wit h spect rogram s and m anually correct ed if any errors w ere det ect ed. The linear


t r ack in g w as 1 2 an d t h e an aly sis w in dow size was 50 m s w it h a shift size of 10 m s. The m iddle w indow in each vow el segm ent was used for t he form ant m easurem ent . Each subj ect produced “ a geese” and “ a souk” seven t im es, and t he average form ant values for each subj ect and vow el w ere used in t he analyses.

Cin e M RI a n a lyse s

Th e t ar get v ow el fr am e for / i/ an d / u / w as


fram e w it h t he sm allest t ongue palat e const rict ion occurring wit hin t he acoust ic durat ion of t he vowel. A coronal slice locat ed at t he second m andibular PRODUPHVLDOHGJHZDVLGHQWL¿HGIRUHDFKYRZHO and t he t im e- fram e com parable w it h t he sagit t al slice was chosen for m easur em ent . The second m olar was chosen because lat eral t ongue cancers occur in t his region and it is also t he locat ion of t he high part of t he palat al vault . Measurem ent s were m ade fr om landm ar ks in Figur e 2 using cust om soft ware w rit t en in Mat lab.

Fr om t he landm ar k point s in Figur e 3A, t he follow ing dist ances and lengt hs w ere m easured:

APt ng: ant erior- t o- post erior t ongue lengt h on t he PP’ line: a – c;

APTOT: d ist an ce f r om t h e t on g u e t ip t o t h e post erior pharyngeal wall on t he PP’ line: a – d;

Dpha: dist ance bet w een ant erior and post erior pharyngeal walls on t he PP’ line: c – d;

SIt ng: superior- t o- inferior t ongue height : b – e; Dlip: dist ance bet w een upper and low er lip at m inim um const rict ion;

DTP: dist ance bet w een t ongue and palat e at t he m inim um const rict ion for / i/ and / u/ . For / u/ t he const rict ion locat ion was m ore post erior t han for / i/ .

From t he coronal landm arks ( Figure 3B) , t he follow ing dist ances w ere com put ed:

Sm : t he dist ance bet w een palat al m ucosa and t he m ost upper point of t ongue perpendicular t o t he PPline, m ade on t he side w it h t he sm aller t ongue-palat e dist ance;

Lg: t he dist ance bet w een palat al m ucosa and t he m ost upper point of t ongue at perpendicular t o t he PPline, m ade on t he side w it h t he lar ger t ongue- palat e dist ance.

I n som e st at ist ical analyses, rat ios w ere used t o represent im port ant relat ionships. These w ere:

Dlip/ DTP.: The rat io of lip const rict ion t o t ongue-palat e const rict ion was st udied t o see if t radeoffs w ere m ade in const rict ion size, especially during t he / u/ , w hich uses t w o const rict ions;

Dlip/ Dpha: The rat io of lip dist ance t o pharynx size was st udied t o see if t radeoffs w ere m ade bet w een t he lip and pharynx regions of t he vocal t ract ;

SIt n g/ APt n g: Th e r at i o b et w een v er t i cal an d horizont al t ongue shape was com put ed t o det erm ine w h et h er p at ien t t on g u e sh ap es in d icat ed t h at d if f er en t m u scles w er e u sed f or t on g u e b od y elevat ion from cont rols;

APt ng/ APTOT: The rat io bet w een AP t ongue lengt h and t ongue- plus- pharynx lengt h was m easured t o det erm ine w het her pat ient s had a m ore post erior t ongue posit ion due t o t he m issing t issue;

Sm / Lg: Sym m et ry of sm all- t o- large side t ongue-palat e dist ances was m easured t o corroborat e t hat t he left / right t ongue size asym m et ry creat ed by t he surgical resect ion was absent in t he cont rols.

D a t a a n a lysis

St a t i st i ca l a n a l y si s w a s p e r f o r m e d u si n g SPSS. Gr oup, gender, and vow el w er e assigned


as in d ep en d en t v ar iab les, an d t h e d ep en d en t variables w ere F2/ F1, F3/ F2, F3/ F1, Dlip/ DTP, APTOT/ APt n g, SI / APt n g, Dlip/ Dph a, an d Sm / Lg r at io. Tw o-way Analyses of Variance ( ANOVA) w ere used t o com pare t he effect of group and w ord, in form ant values and int er lip dist ance. Thr ee- way ANOVAs w ere perform ed t o see t he effect s of group, w ord, an d gen der on t on gu e posit ion , t on gu e sh ape,




Dlip, Dpha, DTP, SIt ng, APt ng, and APTOT.


Ef f ect of su b j ect g r ou p an d v ow el t y p e on form ant values


( F= 5.911, p= 0.018) , and low er F3/ F1 rat ios t hat


Tables 1, 2) . The rat io differences occurred because t he F2 and F3 values w ere slight ly sm aller in t he p at ien t s t h an t h e con t r ols ( see Tab le 2 ) . Th is difference was seen prim arily in t he / u/ dat a. Vowel


( p< .05) due t o t he low er F2 and F3 for / u/ . The


F1 ( p= 0.849) or F3/ F1 ( p= 0.204) .

Effe ct of su bj e ct gr ou p, w or d, a n d ge n de r on t on gu e posit ion a n d sh a pe

Le ft t o r igh t t on gu e - pa la t e r a t ios ( Sm / Lg)

For pat ient s, t he side in w hich t he glossect om y was perform ed had t he bigger dist ance t o t he palat e in t he coronal plane, alt hough som e asym m et ry was seen in t he cont rols as w ell. Sm / Lg rat ios for / u/ w ere 0.8± 0.31 and 0.5± 0.22 in cont rols and

Group- Vowel

F1 (Hz) F2 (Hz) F3 (Hz) DLip/DTP Sm/Lg* APtng/ APTOT

SI/APtng DLip/Dpha

CL - u mean 359 1746 2561 1.31 0.8 0.8 0.33 0.28 sd 52 265 263 0.68 0.31 0.06 0.07 0.15 PT - u mean 355 1541 2470 1.28 0.5 0.82 0.29 0.33 sd 39 226 189 0.48 0.22 0.05 0.05 0.42 CL - i mean 298 2497 3106 4.58 0.51 0.78 0.38 0.47 sd 41 272 255 3.33 0.42 0.05 0.07 0.78 PT - i mean 310 2388 2928 3.93 0.46 0.77 0.35 0.39 Sd 39 251 268 3.13 0.3 0.03 0.06 0.62


Table 1- Results of the formants and anatomical measurements in controls (CL) and patients (PT) for the vowels /u/ and /i/


Figure 3- Landmarks in (A) the midsagittal plane and (B) the coronal plane at the second molar. Landmarks are based on the palatal plane (PP) and a line parallel to PP intersecting tongue tip (PP’). Tissue points used as landmarks include


of tongue on the PP’ line (c), the intersection point of the pharynx with the PP’ line (d), the most upper point of tongue (e),


pat ient s, respect ively. For / i/ , Sm / Lg rat ios w ere 0.51± 0.42 and 0.46± 0.3 in cont rols and pat ient s, r esp ect iv ely. Th e / u / w as m or e sy m m et r ic in cont rols during / u/ t han / i/ ; pat ient s w ere equally asym m et ric for bot h vowels. These differences were


p= 0.039) and w ord ( Sm / Lg, F= 4,253, p= 0.043) ( Table1) .

Ton gu e sh a pe ( SI / APt n g)

Lar ger SI / AP rat ios indicat ed a m or e ver t ical t ongue shape t han sm aller rat ios. The rat ios w ere slight ly higher for cont rols t han pat ient s in bot h


p= 0.087) . For / u/ , m eans and st andard deviat ions w e r e 0 . 3 3 ± 0 . 0 7 i n co n t r o l s a n d 0 . 2 9 ± 0 . 0 5 in pat ien t s. For / i/ , t h ey w er e 0 . 3 8 ± 0 . 0 7 an d 0.35± 0.06, respect ively. The rat io difference was

prim arily due t o a low er b – e dist ance ( SIt ng) in


w ord ( F= 8.086, p= 0.006) . Gender did not show


( Table 2) .

Effe ct of su bj e ct gr ou p, w or d, a n d ge n de r on voca l t r a ct a ir w a y m e a su r e m e n t s

Ph a r yn x siz e ( APt n g/ APTOT, Dlip/ Dph a)

To evaluat e t he Pharynx size, APt ng/ APTOT and Dpha w ere obt ained. Pharynx size show ed t he relat ive evaluat ion about ant erior and post erior m ovem ent of t ongue upon pronunciat ion. Upon pronunciat ion of / u/ , APt ng/ APTOT was 0.80± 0.06 and 0.82± 0.05 i n co n t r o l s a n d p a t i e n t s, r e sp e ct i v e l y. Up o n pronunciat ion of / i/ , APt ng/ APTOT was 0.78± 0.05 and 0.77± 0.03 in cont rols and pat ient s, respect ively. I n

Group F2/F1 F3/F2 F3/F1 Dlip/DTP Sm/Lg APtng/


SItng/APtng Dlip/Dpha

groupxword Group 0.018 0.195 0.067 0.555 0.039 0.448 0.087 0.739 word 0 0 0 0 0.043 0.008 0.006 0.006 Group word 0.849 0.09 0.204 0.589 0.139 0.206 0.177 0.121 groupxwordxgender group 0.701 0.499 0.087 0.892 word 0 0.009 0.006 0.004

Table 2- Statistical analyses and p values

DliP Dpha DTP SItng APtng

Dlip pearson correlaton 1 .294* .-306** .454** -0.076 Sig.(2-tailed) 0.013 .010* .000* 0.531

N 71 71 71 71 71

Dpha pearson correlaton 294* 1 -0.059 0.022 -0.177 Sig.(2-tailed) 0.013 0.623 0.858 0.141

N 71 71 71 71 71

DTP pearson correlaton .-306** -0.059 1 -.258* 0.07 Sig.(2-tailed) 0.01 0.623 0.03 0.563

N 71 71 71 71 71

SItng pearson correlaton 454** 0.022 -0.258 1 .242* Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0.858 0.03 0.042

N 71 71 71 71 71

APtng pearson correlaton -0.076 -0.177 0.07 .242* 1 Sig.(2-tailed) 0.531 0.141 0.563 0.042

N 71 71 71 71 71

APTOT pearson correlaton 0.118 475** 0.025 0.23 .782** Sig.(2-tailed) 0.326 0 0.837 0.054 0

N 71 71 71 71 71



pat ient s, APt ng/ APTOT was som ewhat bigger, because APTOT was shown short ly and it im plied t hat ant erior an d post er ior m ov em en t of t on gu e w as sm all.




word ( APt ng/ APTOT, F= 7.602, p= 0.008) . There was no


APTOT, F= 0 . 3 5 9 , p= 0 . 5 5 7 ) . Upon pr on u n ciat ion of / u / , Dlip/ Dph a w as 0 . 2 8 ± 0 . 1 5 an d 0 . 3 3 ± 0 . 4 2 i n co n t r o l s a n d p a t i e n t s r e sp e ct i v e l y. Up o n pronunciat ion of / i/ , Dlip/ Dpha was 0.47± 0.78 and 0.39± 0.62 in cont rols and pat ient s, respect ively.




Dpha, F= 8.164, p= 0.006) ( Tables 1 and 2) .

Dlip a n d t on gu e m idsa git t a l dist a n ce s ( Dlip/ DTP)

Dlip and DTP w ere m easured in t he m idsagit t al p l a n e a n d t h e m e a n w a s c a l c u l a t e d . Up o n pr onunciat ion of / u/ , t he values of Dlip and DTP in con t r ols w er e 3 . 9 1 ± 1 . 4 9 m m an d 3 . 2 1 ± 0 . 9 m m , r espect iv ely. The values of Dlip and DTP in pat ient s w ere 3.6± 1.15 m m and 3.05± 0.93 m m , respect ively. Upon pronunciat ion of / i/ , t he values of Dlip and DTP in cont rols w ere 7.64± 2.6 m m and 2.06± 0.86 m m , respect ively. The values of Dlip and DTP in pat ient s w ere 6.4± 2.26 m m and 2.0± 0.69 m m , r espect ively. I n general, values of Dlip and DTP show ed a slight ly higher value in cont rols, but


F= 0.352, p= 0.555) in group. How ever, in t erm s of



opening for / u/ ( Tables 1 and 2) .


When t he part of t ongue was rem oved due t o t ongue cancer, t he shape of t ongue was changed and volum e of t ongue, w hich account ed for oral cavit y, would be changed. The changed t ongue will affect t he pr onunciat ion. Som e st udies r epor t ed t hat t he dam aged t issues induced t he change of


reconst ruct ion got bet t er in order t o com pensat e


m ovem ent7. I n t his st udy, t hese w er e only t w o


w orse t han t he prim ary closure pat ient s, alt hough p h y sically, t h e lon g b ack cav it y an d sh or t lip


upper surface of t he t ongue, as was t he case w it h bot h pat ient s, t he t ongue occupies m ore vert ical

space an d m ay len gt h en t h e or al cav it y. Bot h


four cont rols and one prim ary closure pat ient had equivalent or longer back cavit y lengt hs. How ever,


conclusively det erm ine differences in t he effect s of closure procedure.

For st udies on pr onunciat ion of pat ient s w ho u n d er w en t g lossect om y, sp eech in t ellig ib ilit y, a r t i cu l a t i o n , f o r m a n t , a n d v o w el sp a ce w er e prim arily used. However, because t hese approaches w ere evaluat ions on pronunciat ion funct ion aft er t h e su r ger y, t h er e w er e lim it at ion s f or st u dies on how t he shape of t ongue was changed aft er t h e su r g er y or h ow t h e t on g u e w as ch an g ed upon t he pronunciat ion. The present st udy uses Cine MRI , in w hich k- space dat a is collect ed over m ult iple repet it ions of t he speech ut t erance and an ensem ble com binat ion of t he dat a produces a cine series of im ages. From m idsagit t al Cine MRI , one can m easure t he progression of t ongue, lip, laryngeal, and velar m ot ion by t racking t he edges of t hese vocal t ract st ruct ures. From t hese prim ary 2D m easurem ent s ot her useful quant it ies can be calculat ed, such as cavit y lengt hs and m idsagit t al


select ed from Cine MRI sequences should reveal t he st rat egies and effect iveness of t ongue m ot ion adapt at ions in post - glossect om y pat ient s, w hen com pared w it h t he acoust ic out put .

I n t his st udy, Cine MRI was used in order t o invest igat e t he changed shape of t ongue and how t he com pensat ory m echanism of t ongue occurred upon pronunciat ion. The subj ect s w ere induced t o m ake pronunciat ion and Cine MRI was recorded. The part icular pronunciat ion was capt ured and t he t hr ee- dim ensional st r uct ur e of t ongue occur r ed upon pr onunciat ion. We supposed t hat phar y nx size was different bet w een t w o groups in analysis of MRI , but t here was alm ost no change in fact . Changes caused by glossect om y w ere Sm / Lg and SIt ng of t ongue. Changes of Sm / Lg w ere, of course, caused by glossect om y and SIt ng was show n less in t he group of pat ient s. Less SIt ngLPSOLHGÀDWWHU t ongue. Therefore, in form ant analysis, F2 and F3 of group of pat ient s showed low and t he pronunciat ion of v ow el w as dist or t ed. Th er e w as st at ist ically


groups ( p= 0.018, p= 0.067) . Upon pronunciat ion of / i/ in group of pat ient s, t he t ongue t ended t o be



of m ale pat ient s, F1 w as incr eased m or e upon pr onunciat ion of / i/ and it w as consist ent w it h st udies of Kaj i, et al.9 ( 2007) . I n pr onunciat ion

of / u / , Dlip, SIt n g, an d DTP d id n ot sh ow m u ch differences bet w een group of pat ient s and cont rol gr oup, but in pr onunciat ion of / i/ , Dlip and SIt ng were different . Since t he t ongue should m ove m ore upon pronunciat ion of / i/ , a group of pat ient s was m ore affect ed. Pronunciat ion and shape of t ongue w as ch an ged du e t o glossect om y in t h e gr ou p of pat ien t s. Th er ef or e, t h er e w er e st at ist ically


bet w een t w o groups.


t o quant ify t he r elat ionship am ong t ongue, lip, an d p h ar y n x u p o n p r o n u n ci at i o n . I n Pear so n correlat ion analysis, Dlip, DTP, SIt ng, and Dpha show ed


w as cor r elat ion in Dlip an d DTP ( p = 0 . 0 1 ) , SIt n g and DTP ( p= 0.030) , Dlip and SIt ng ( p= 0.000) , and Dlip an d Dph a ( p= 0 . 0 1 3 ) . As Dlip w as in cr eased, DTP w as decr eased. As SIt ng w as incr eased, Dpha was decr eased. As SIt ng was incr eased, DTP was decreased. As DTP was increased in group of pat ient , SIt ng had a t endency t o be decreased. I t im plied t hat a group of pat ient s had adapt at ion funct ion upon pr onunciat ion, and changes of anat om ical st ruct ures affect ed t he form ant .

The front vow el / i/ and t he back vow el / u/ bot h r equir e t ongue body elevat ion, but t he cont act w it h t he palat e is furt her forward for / i/ t han / u/ ,


post - glossect om y pat ient s t o produce. The / i/ also requires m ore lat eral cont act bet w een t he t ongue and palat e and lat eral glossect om y pat ient s ar e m issing one side of t he t ongue, m aking t his t ask


t ongue from t he rear, and divides int o branches t hat course ant eriorly. I f a branch is cut , t he funct ion an t er ior t o t h e cu t is disabled. For / i/ a m or e ant erior part of t he t ongue is elevat ed t han for / u/ . I n addit ion, t he / i/ ut ilizes m ore palat al coverage t h an / u / as sh ow n in it s t y pical t on gu e- palat e cont act pat t ern. Since lat eral glossect om y pat ient s ar e m issin g t issu e on on e side of t h e t on gu e,


t hat result from lat eral feat ures, such as degree of elevat ion in t he lat eral port ions of t he t ongue, and lat eral t ongue- palat e cont act . I t can, how ever, present differences in lip closure bet w een t he t w o vow els. The sound / i/ uses an open lip posit ion and t he sound / u/ uses prot ruded lips. The prot ruded lips cause a const r ict ion t hat is an int egral par t of t he / u/ gest ure and cont rolled t o alt er t he F2 frequency. The lips and t ongue can t rade off in such a way t hat m ore prot ruded lips can com pensat e for a less high t ongue body in / u/ . The result s show ed

t hat lip prot rusion was t he only m idline variable t hat dist inguished pat ient s from cont rols. Therefore,


w it h / i/ because t hey are unable t o use t he lips t o com pensat e for inadequat e t ongue body height . This st udy is int erest ed in t he t rade- offs bet w een t he lips and t ongue during t hese t w o vow els.

Alt hough t he st udy was lim it ed by t he sm all


r econ st r u ct ion p at ien t s, it p r ov id ed n ew d at a


glossect om y sur ger y, and t he adapt at ion of t he t ongue and vocal t ract during speech.


Ch an ges in lip con st r ict ion an d back cav it y len gt h ar e lik ely t o be com pen sat or y, w h er eas m idline t ongue shape could be com pensat ory or due t o post - surgical lim it at ions. Form ant changes


appeared t o have an effect on back cavit y lengt h.


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Figure 1- Summary of patient data
Figure 2- Cine MR Images for /i/ patient, /i/ control, /u/ patient, /u/ control
Table 1- Results of the formants and anatomical measurements in controls (CL) and patients (PT) for the vowels /u/ and /i/
Table 3- 3HDUVRQFRUUHODWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWRI' lip , D pha , D TP , SI tng , and AP tng


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