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Sao Paulo Med. J. vol.118 número6


Academic year: 2018

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Hyperpho sphatemia has an impo rtant ro le in

the develo pment o f seco ndary hyperparathyro idism

and b o ne disease in patients with end-stage renal

disease (ESRD).


Co ntro l o f hyperpho sphatemia can

be achieved with the use o f aluminum co mpo unds that

act as efficient pho spho rus binders and reduce the

in-testinal abso rptio n o f pho spho rus. Ho wever, especially

due to neuro lo gic and bo ne to xicity, aluminum co

m-po unds have been replaced by calcium salts.



mo st co mmo nly used (calcium carbo nate, CaCO


) is

no t the ideal binding agent, primarily because o f its

hypercalcemic effect.


In this regard, calcium acetate







O] has been repo rted by so me

au-tho rs to have at least a similar pho spho rus binding

e ffic ie nc y, and a le ss p ro no unc e d hyp e rc alc e m ic

e ffe c t

16- 19

b u t th is s u b j e c t is s till a m atte r o f

co ntro versy.


This study was designed to co mpare

the efficiency, to lerance and side effects o f these salts.


Fifty-two stab le ESRD p atie nts und e rgo ing

regular hemo dialysis in a ho spital dialysis center fo r

47 mo nths (SD 26) entered the study. They were

main-taine d o n the ir usual d ie t. Parathyro id e c to m ize d

patients were no t included. Dialysis was perfo rmed

three times a week utilizing a cupro phane memb rane

with a surface area o f b etween 1.0 and 1.5 m



Dialy-sis sessio ns were acco mplished using no n-pro po

r-tio nal mixture machine s witho ut an ultrafiltrar-tio n

co ntro l device (Baxter Inc., McGraw Park, IL 60085,

Original Article


Calcium ace tate ve rsus calcium carbonate

in the control of hype rphosphate mia

in he modialysis patie nts

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, and

Francisco Santino Filho Kidney Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a b s t r a c t


: Hyperpho sphatemia has an impo rtant ro le in the devel-o pment devel-o f bdevel-o ne and mineral abndevel-o rmalities in end-stag e renal dis-ease (ESRD).


To co mpare the pho spho rus binding po wer and the hypercalcemic effect o f calcium acetate and calcium carbo nate in hemo dialysis patients.


Cro sso ver, rando miz ed, do uble-blind study.


A private ho spital dialysis center.


Fifty-two pa tients who were underg o ing reg ula r hemo dialysis three times a week ([Ca++] dialysate = 3 .5 mEq/ L).


Half o f the patients were started o n 5 .6 g / day o f calcium acetate and, after a 2 week washo ut perio d, received 6 .2 g / day o f calcium carbo nate. The o ther half fo llo wed an inverse pro to co l.


Clinical interviews were co nducted 3 times a week to mo nito r fo r side effects. Determinatio ns o f serum urea, calcium, pho spho rus, hemato crit, Kt/ V and blo o d g as analysis were o btained befo re and after each treatment.


Twenty-three patients co mpleted the study. A sig nificant increase in calcium plasma levels was o nly o bserved after treatment with calcium carbo nate [9 .3 4 mg / dl (SD 0 .9 1 ) vs. 9 .9 1 mg / dl (SD 0 .7 9 ), P < 0 .0 1 ]. The dro p in pho spho rus levels was substantial and sig nificant fo r bo th salts [5 .6 4 mg / dl (SD 1 .5 4 ) vs. 4 .6 0 mg / dl (SD 1 .3 2 ), P < 0 .0 1 and 5 .8 9 mg / dl (SD 1 .7 1 ) vs. 4 .5 6 mg / dl (SD 1 .5 7 ), P < 0 .0 1 , fo r calcium acetate and calcium carbo nate respec-tively]. The percentag e reductio n in serum pho spho rus (at the end o f the study) per milliequivalent o f salt administered per day tended to be hig her with calcium acetate but statistical sig nificance was no t fo und.


Calcium acetate can be a g o o d alternative to cal-c ium cal-c a rb o na te in the ha ndling o f hyperpho spha temia in ESRD patients. W hen calcium acetate is used, co ntro l o f hyperpho sphatemia can be achieved with a lo wer administratio n o f calcium, perhaps with a lo wer risk o f hypercalcemia.


Calcium Acetate. Calcium Carbo nate. Hyperpho s-phatemia. Hypercalcemia. Hemo dialysis.


USA), b lo o d flo w o f 300 m l/m in, and b icarb o nate

b uffered dialysate ([Ca] = 3.5 mEq /L) at 500 ml/min.

A de-io nizer was used to pro vide water treatment.

Dialyzers were manually repro cessed with fo

rmalde-hyde as the sterilizing agent and were discarded if

the internal vo lume o f the ho llo w fib ers decreased

Table 1. Ge ne ral fe ature s of the patie nts


Accepted for

(n=5 2 )

a na lysis (n=2 3 )

Ag e, years. 4 6 (SD 1 4 )a 5 0 (SD 1 4 )

Sex (M/ F) 2 6 / 2 6 1 3 / 1 0 Ra c e

(W / B) 2 3 / 2 9 1 2 / 1 1 Time

o n dialysis, mo nths. 4 7 (SD 2 6 ) 5 0 (SD 2 5 ) P intake, mg / day.b 7 5 7 (SD 2 4 8 ) 7 9 5 (SD 2 6 3 )

Ca intake, mg / day.b 3 2 9 (SD 2 0 9 ) 3 8 5 (SD 2 4 5 )

Primary Renal Disease

Chro nic g lo merulo nephritis 1 6 6

Malig nant nephro sclero sis 1 9 8

Po lycystic disease 3 2

Diabetic nephro pathy 3 1

O ther 1 1 6

a Mean and standard deviatio n; b As o btained by nutritio nal inquiry.

Table 2. Total numbe r of patie nts

starting and finishing e ach tre atme nt

N umber o f patients

Acetate Carbo nate

Starting 5 0 5 1

Finishing 3 1 3 3

Excluded 1 9 1 8

Table 3. Re asons for e xclusion

Aceta te

Ca rbona te

Vo luntary dro po ut due to side effects 0 3

-Irreg ular use due to side effects 0 4 0 3

Inadequate adherence no t declared 0 8 1 2

Absent fo r the blo o d co llectio n 0 3

-Clinical pro blems unrelated to drug use 0 1 0 3

Tota l

1 9

1 8

Table 4. Complaints along drug tre atme nt


Aceta te

Ca rbona te

Pruritus 0 2 0 3

Ano rexia 0 4 0 2

N ausea 0 3

-Co nstipatio n 0 4 0 4

Vo miting 0 2

-Epig astralg ia 0 5 0 4

Diarrhea 0 1 0 1

Malaise 0 5

-Xero sto mia 0 1 0 5

Plenitude 0 5 0 3

Dro po ut o r irreg ular use due to side effects 0 7 0 3

Tota l

3 8

2 5

mo re than 20%. Other cleaning agents were no t used.

The daily intake o f calcium and pho spho rus was

quantified thro ugh nutritio nal inquiry. The majo rity o f

th e p atie n ts u s e d c alc iu m c arb o n ate an d / o r





in variable do ses, which were withdrawn

fo r a perio d o f two weeks befo re the beginning o f the

study. All o ther types o f medicatio ns, such as

antihypertensive agents, vitamins, fo lic acid and erythro

-po ietin were maintained.

The study was co nducted in a cro sso ver,

ran-do mized, ran-do ub le b lind manner. Half o f the patients

were initiated o n 5.6 g/day o f calcium acetate (0.069

eq uivalents o f the salt, co rrespo nding to 1.4 g/day o f

e le m e ntal calcium ) (Maia de Alm e ida Indústria e

Co mércio , RJ, Brazil) fo r 4 weeks fo llo wed b y a

wash-o ut periwash-o d wash-o f twwash-o weeks. After this periwash-o d they

re-ceived 6.2 g/day o f calcium carb o nate (0.124 eq

uiva-lents o f the salt, co rrespo nding to 2.5 g/day o f

el-e m el-e ntal c alc ium ) ( Maia d el-e Alm el-e id a Ind ús tria el-e

Co mércio , RJ, Brazil) fo r ano ther fo ur weeks. The

re-m aining patie nts fo llo we d a sire-m ilar pro to co l, b ut

were initially given calcium carb o nate and then

cal-cium acetate. They were all instructed to take the

medicatio n during meals in such a way that the who le

daily do se wo uld b e divided into three o r fo ur do ses

acco rding to the dietary hab it o f the patient. Bo th

preparatio ns were tested “in vitro ” fo r

de-aggrega-tio n fo llo wing the American Pharmaco po eia


Clinical interviews were co nducted three times

a week to mo nito r fo r adverse effects. Serum urea,

cal-cium, pho spho rus, blo o d gas analysis, hemato crit and

Kt/V determinatio ns were perfo rmed befo re and after

each treatment. Kt/V was calculated in a mid-week

ses-sio n fro m the fo rmula

-logN R


in which R is the ratio

o f po st and pre-dialysis serum urea. Abdo minal X-rays

were taken o f each patient to search fo r intact

cap-sules o n the fifth and tenth day o f the treatment with

each co mpo und.



Fifty-two subjects entered the study and

twenty-three were included in the data analysis. The general

features o f the patients are described in Table 1. Of

the fifty-two subjects, twenty patients were using

beta-blo ckers, three were being treated with human reco

m-binant erythro po ietin, two had had a bilateral

nephre-cto my and two had had past kidney transplants. Data

regarding exclusio n are depicted in Tables 2 and 3,

and the side effects fo und fo r each drug are listed in

Table 4.

Table 5 and Figure 1 summarize the labo rato ry

findings fro m pre and po st-treatment with calcium

ac-etate and calcium carbo nate. No ne o f the preparatio ns

significantly altered the values o f blo o d pH and

bicar-bo nate.

A significant increase in calcium plasma levels

was o nly o b served after treatment with calcium [9.34

mg/dl (SD 0.91) vs. 9.91 mg/dl (SD 0.79), P < 0.01].

The po st-treatment plasma calcium levels b etween

th e two c o m p o u n d s , h o we ve r, d id n o t d iffe r

statistically. The dro p in pho spho rus levels was sub

-stantial and significant fo r b o th salts [5.64 mg/dl (SD

1.54) vs. 4.60 mg/dl (SD 1.32), P < 0.01 and 5.89 mg/

dl (SD 1.71) vs. 4.56 mg/dl (SD 1.57), P < 0.01, fo r

ace tate and carb o nate , re spe ctive ly). Again, po

st-treatment P levels b etween the two salts were no t


The re we re no s ignific ant c hange s in Kt/V

thro ugho ut the study. The percent variatio ns in

se-rum levels o f calcium and pho spho rus after treatment

with each drug are sho wn in Figure 1. Analysis o f the

to p and bo tto m panels suggests that mo re pho spho

-rus was bo und by each equivalent o f calcium acetate

in co mpariso n to calcium carbo nate but statistical

sig-nificance was no t fo und.

Co mpariso ns o f the hyperpho sphatemic and

hy-percalcemic pro perties o f the two salts are depicted in

Figure 2. Calc ium ac e tate was 4.4 tim e s m o re

hyperpho sphatemic than hypercalcemic; the co rrespo

nd-ing calcium carbo nate value o f this variable was 3.7 but,

again, the differences were no t statistically significant.

Table 5. Laboratory findings be fore and afte r tre atme nt

Aceta te

Ca rbona te

La bora tory findings





pH 7 .3 1 (0 .0 5 )a 7 .3 3 (0 .0 4 ) 7 .3 0 (0 .0 6 ) 7 .3 2 (0 .0 5 )



- (mEq/ L) 1 7 .3 (2 .3 ) 1 8 .6 (2 .0 ) 1 8 .6 (2 .2 ) 1 8 .9 (2 .2 )

Ca (mg / dl) 9 .3 4 (0 .7 0 ) 9 .7 3 (0 .6 2 ) 9 .3 4 (0 .9 1 ) 9 .9 1 (0 .7 9 )*

P (mg / dl) 5 .6 4 (1 .5 4 ) 4 .6 0 (1 .3 2 )* 5 .8 9 (1 .7 1 ) 4 .5 6 (1 .5 7 )*

Kt/ V 1 .0 3 (0 .2 4 ) 1 .1 5 (0 .1 7 ) 1 .0 4 (0 .2 3 ) 1 .1 5 (0 .1 9 )

a Mean and standard deviatio n, * P < 0 .0 2 vs. pretreatment values.

Figure 2.

Ratios of mean percent variations (%V) in plasma levels of P

and Ca at the end of the treatment period for the 2 salts.

Figure 1.

Mean values of the serum level variation in calcium and



Hyperpho sphatemia has been implicated in

dif-ferent manners in the genesis o f parathyro id

hyper-functio n, a co nditio n that has been asso ciated with

high turno ver bo ne disease. It can also co ntribute to

the mineral alteratio ns in ESRD by inducing bo ne

re-sistance to parathyro id ho rmo ne


and precipitatio n

o f metastatic vascular and no n-vascular


calcifica-tio ns. To reinfo rce all these reaso ns in favo r o f there

being an adequate co ntro l o f serum pho sphate levels

in ure m ia, high c alc ium -p ho sp ho rus p ro d uc t has

recently been asso ciated to lo wer survival o n



In the present study, calcium carbo nate and

calcium acetate were co mpared regarding their pho spho

-rus binding pro perties, hypercalcemic effects, and to

l-erance. The pro to co l was designed in such a way that

co mparable do ses (in grams) o f each salt were given

during each phase o f the study. This strategy allo wed

intake o f the same number o f identical capsules in

bo th phases, affirming the do uble-blind nature o f the

study. In this co ntext, the daily amo unt o f calcium

prescribed was always lo wer with calcium acetate.

The study dro po ut ratio fo r e ach co m po und

was high, b ut no t d iffe re nt statistic ally (38% fo r

c alc ium ac e tate and 35% fo r c alc ium c arb o nate ).

To le rance and side e ffe cts we re also co m parab le ,

altho ugh uppe r gastro inte stinal sym pto m s te nde d

to b e mo re freq uent with calcium acetate. A detailed

e xam inatio n o f the diffe re nt re aso ns fo r e xclusio n

d id no t sho w statistic ally signific ant d iffe re nc e s.

The re fo re , the acce ptance o f the co m po unds was

s im ilar. Ne ithe r ac e tate no r c arb o nate ind uc e d

significant change s in b lo o d pH and b icarb o nate .

Re le vant alte ratio ns we re re stricte d to calcium and

pho sphate plasm a le ve ls. Co nsiste nt with studie s

re po rting a le ss hype rcalce mic e ffe ct fo r calcium



a statistically significant rise in calcium

le ve ls (7%) was o nly fo und with c arb o nate . This

finding co uld sim ply b e acco unte d fo r b y the lo we r

am o unt o f e le m e ntal calcium give n during ace tate

tre atm e nt ( b y s tud y d e s ign) . In s up p o rt o f this

hypo the sis, the hype rcalce m ic e ffe cts o f the drugs

b e cam e strikingly sim ilar whe n variatio ns in se rum

calcium we re no rm alize d acco rding to the num b e r

o f e q uivale nts ad m inis te re d . Num e ro us s tud ie s

have b e e n m ade that re fute the e xiste nce o f a le sse r

hype rcalce m ic e ffe ct with calcium ace tate in co m

-pariso n to calcium carb o nate .


Intriguingly, the

o n l y p ro s p e c ti ve d o u b l e - b l i n d c ro s s o ve r

co mpariso n in the lite rature favo rs a high fre q ue ncy

o f hype rcalce m ia with calcium ace tate .


Ho we ve r,

the re we re re le vant diffe re nce s in study de sign that

m ay ac c o u n t fo r th e d is c re p an c y b e twe e n th e

findings. At first, the adm iniste re d do se o f salts in

that study was matched to co ntain the same amo unt

o f e le m e ntal calcium ; and se co ndly, b inde rs we re

give n co nse cutive ly witho ut a washo ut pe rio d.

The reductio ns in serum pho spho rus were

sig-nificant fo r bo th treatments (18.4% fo r acetate and

22.6% fo r carbo nate). There was no significant

differ-ence between the po st-treatment plasma values o f

pho spho rus with the two co mpo unds. Thus, a similar

pho spho rus binding po wer was fo und fo r the salts,

despite the lo wer number o f equivalents o f acetate


Co mpariso n o f the hyperpho sphatemic and

hy-percalcemic capacity ratio s o f the two salts did no t

sho w a statistically significant difference but tended

to be slightly higher fo r acetate: the pho spho rus

bind-ing po wer o f acetate was abo ut 4.4 times greater than

its hypercalcemic effect while, fo r carbo nate, the value

o f this variable was 3.7.

The present o bservatio ns, in spite o f being

par-tially derived fro m a mathematical exercise, are co

n-sistent with data fro m the literature



sug-gest that a trial o f calcium acetate may be wo rthwhile

in patients undergo ing treatment with calcium carbo

n-ate who have hypercalcemic episo des o r are mo re

pro ne to such co mplicatio n.



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r e s u m o


A hip e rfo sfa te mia te m um imp o rta nte p a p e l no desenvo lvimento de ano rmalidades ó sseas e minerais na insuficiência renal crô nica terminal.


Co mparar o acetato de cálcio co m o carbo nato de cálcio q ua nto à s sua s p ro p rie d a d e s q ue la nte s d e fó sfo ro e e fe ito s hipercalcêmico s.


Ensaio clínico rando miz ado , cruz ado , duplo -ceg o .


Centro de diálise ho spitalar privado .


5 2 pacientes em hemo diálise reg ular três vez es po r semana ([Ca] dialisado = 3 ,5 mEq/ l).


Metade deles recebeu 5 ,6 g / dia de acetato de cálcio e, apó s um perío do de “ washo ut” de duas semanas, 6 ,2 g / dia de carbo nato de cálcio . A o utra metade seg uiu pro to co lo inverso .


Fo ram co nduz idas entrevistas clínicas para mo nito rar efeito s co laterais e o btidas amo stras sang üíneas para determinaçõ es da uréia sérica, cálcio , fó sfo ro , hemató crito , Kt/ V e g aso metria arterial, antes e apó s cada tratamento .


3 3 pacientes co mpletaram o estudo . Um aumento sig nificativo no s níveis plasmático s de cálcio só fo i o btido apó s o tratamento co m carbo nato de cálcio [9 ,3 4 mg / dl (SD 0 ,9 1 ) vs. 9 ,9 1 mg / dl (SD 0 ,7 9 ), P < 0 ,0 1 ). A queda no s níveis de fó sfo ro fo i substancial e sig nificante para ambo s o s sais [5 ,6 4 mg / dl (SD 1 ,5 4 ) vs. 4 ,6 0 mg / dl (SD 1 ,3 2 ), P < 0 ,0 1 e 5 ,8 9 mg / dl (SD 1 ,7 1 ) vs. 4 ,5 6 mg / dl (SD 1 ,5 7 ), P < 0 ,0 1 para acetato de cálcio e carbo nato de cálcio , respectivamente). Ao final do estudo , a redução percentual no fó sfo ro sérico po r equivalente de sal administrado po r dia tendeu a ser maio r co m o acetato de cálcio , mas uma diferença sig nificante estatisticamente não fo i enco ntrada.


O acetato de cálcio po de ser uma bo a alternativa ao carbo nato de cálcio no manejo da hiperfo sfatemia em pacientes co m insuficiência renal crô nica terminal. Q uando o acetato de cálcio é usado o co ntro le da hiperfo sfatemia po de ser alcançado co m uma administração de cálcio meno r, talvez acarretando um risco meno r de hipercalcemia.


Ac e ta to de C á lc io . C a rb o na to de C á lc io . Hiperfo sfatemia. Hipercalcemia. Hemo diálise.

Acknowle dge me nts: Presented in part at the 24th Annual Meeting o f the American So ciety o f Nephro lo gy, Baltimo re, USA, No vember 1991.

Eufrônio José d’Alme ida Filho, MD. Francisco Santino Filho Kidney Fo undatio n, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil.

Elisa de Albuque rque Sampaio da Cruz, MD. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteró i, RJ, Brazil.

Marcos Hoe tte , MD. Francisco Santino Filho Kidney Fo undatio n, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil.

Fre de rico Ruzany, MD, PhD. Francisco Santino Filho Kidney Fo undatio n, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil.

Luana Ne ve s Lope s Ke e n, MD. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteró i, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil.

Joce mir Ronaldo Lugon, MD, PhD. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteró i, RJ, Brazil.

Source s of funding: No t declared

Conflict of inte re st: No t declared

Last re ce ive d: 14 May 2000

Acce pte d: 20 June 2000

Addre ss for corre sponde nce :

Jo cemir Ro naldo Lugo n

Rua Haddo ck Lo bo , 369/309 - Tijuca Rio de Janeiro /RJ - Brasil - CEP 20260-131 e-mail: jo cerl@ ax.apc.o rg

p u b lis hin g in fo r m a t io n

Invest 1989;83:1349-55.

36. Gallieni M, Brancaccio D, Pado vesi P, et al. Lo w-do se intraveno us calcitrio l treatment o f seco ndary hyperparathyro idism in hemo dialysis patients. Kidney Int 1992;42:1191-8.

37. Muramo to H, Haruki K, Yo shimura A, Mimo N, Oda K, To fuko Y. Tre atm e n t o f re frac to ry h yp e rp arath yro id is m in p atie n ts o n hemo dialysis by intermittent o ral administratio n o f 1,25(OH)

2 vitamin


Table  1. Ge ne ral fe ature s of the  patie nts All Accepted for (n=5 2 ) a na lysis (n=2 3 ) Ag e, years
Table  5. Laboratory findings be fore  and afte r tre atme nt


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