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Cultivation - Beans

Ochratoxigenic fungi associated with green coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.) in conventional and organic cultivation in Brazil

Ochratoxigenic fungi associated with green coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.) in conventional and organic cultivation in Brazil

... conventional cultivation system was ...organic cultivation system, the main species was ...coffee beans in two regions of Thailand, and they also found the non- ochratoxigenic species ...the ...


Foliar application of molybdenum on cover crops and response of common beans in successive cultivation

Foliar application of molybdenum on cover crops and response of common beans in successive cultivation

... As the two species showed distinct phenological responses, it was not possible to carry out a compatibilization of the developmental stages at harvest (105 DAS). While jack beans were in the reproductive stage, ...


Cultivo de sementes crioulas de milho e feijão em consórcio e monocultivo em Ipanguaçu-RN / Cultivation of creole seeds of maize and beans in consortium and monoculture in Ipanguaçu-RN

Cultivo de sementes crioulas de milho e feijão em consórcio e monocultivo em Ipanguaçu-RN / Cultivation of creole seeds of maize and beans in consortium and monoculture in Ipanguaçu-RN

... A pesquisa enfatiza o sistema de cultivo de sementes crioulas, adaptado para a realidade do agricultor familiar, investigando a produtividade em um sistema consorciado relacio[r] ...


Nutritional characteristics of biofortified common beans

Nutritional characteristics of biofortified common beans

... French beans; these values are higher than those found in the current ...of beans can vary widely due to varietal differences and environmental conditions of production, but the grains of the aforementioned ...


Environment is crucial to the cooking time of beans

Environment is crucial to the cooking time of beans

... Paper and plastic storage in ambient conditions showed quadratic behavior (p ≤ 0.05). However, the angular coefficient of these regressions (p > 0.05) does not provide information of the minimum cooking time for the ...


Adsorption isotherms and isosteric heat in Coffea arabica beans

Adsorption isotherms and isosteric heat in Coffea arabica beans

... coffee beans estimated by the Peleg model have a sigmoidal shape (Figure 3), which is characteristic of type II curves (Brunauer et ...Pierre beans (Corrêa et ...


Beneficial bacterial strains on  Agaricus blazei  cultivation

Beneficial bacterial strains on Agaricus blazei cultivation

... JN12, JN16 and JN17 bacterial isolates were able to positively affect ABM mycelium growth, when compared to the control without bacteria co-culturing. However, JN03, JN05 and JN10 isolates have not affected ABM mycelium ...


Liquid Bovine Biofertilizer and Cultivation Effects on the Porosity of a Typic Haplocambids as a Function of Cultivation and Dose

Liquid Bovine Biofertilizer and Cultivation Effects on the Porosity of a Typic Haplocambids as a Function of Cultivation and Dose

... In the conditions of cultivation, the application of bovine biofertilizer, which supply sediments that block or reduce the size of pores, did not improve soil air permeability. The cases in which soil porosity was ...


Dionísio usa Chilli Beans?: análise mitológica da publicidade da "Marca da Pimenta".

Dionísio usa Chilli Beans?: análise mitológica da publicidade da "Marca da Pimenta".

... Chilli Beans se vestem de virilidade, inclusive, quando encarnam o conquistador barato cujo amor bandido – fetiche feminino – só o cafajeste tem a oferecer (Figura ...




... The model correctly estimated the crop cycle length as well as the dates of phenological stages (Table 2). The simulated and the observed dates coincided satisfactorily. The flowering was estimated as 54 days after ...


MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultivation of the microorganism

MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultivation of the microorganism

... the cultivation time, whereas the organic nitrogen consumption was linearly related to cell growth, with constant yield factors (average of ...of cultivation, but without cell nitrogen ...


MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultivation of the microorganism

MATERIALS AND METHODS Cultivation of the microorganism

... 9 cultivation runs were carried out in a 80 L New Brunswick bioreactor, under the following conditions: 42 L of culture medium, temperature 35ºC, air flow 5 L/min, agitation frequency 120 rpm and vessel pressure 6 ...


Shifting cultivation in der Selva Lacandona (Mexiko)

Shifting cultivation in der Selva Lacandona (Mexiko)

... Shifting Cultivation auf 20% des Festlandes oder 44% der landwirtschaftlich nutzbaren Fläche der Erde ausübten (muench - navarro ...Shifting Cultivation wird, zusammen mit Raub¬ bau betreibenden ...


Genetic diversity analysis of common beans based on molecular markers

Genetic diversity analysis of common beans based on molecular markers

... states, together with Puebla, presented the highest DI val- ues. The lowest values were found in germplasm from Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Coahuila, Hidalgo, Oaxa- ca and Michoacán (Table 4). The highest A, average ...


Diversification and population structure in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

Diversification and population structure in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

... It was also notable in our study that Colombian and Guatemalan genepools were closely related at the K = 3 and K = 4 levels of population structure. Koening et al. [7] found that several Colombian genotypes shared the¨CH ...


Imapact of replacing corn and soya beans with sorghum and faba beans on ruminal fermentation and milk quality in sicilo sarde dairy ewes

Imapact of replacing corn and soya beans with sorghum and faba beans on ruminal fermentation and milk quality in sicilo sarde dairy ewes

... faba beans that contains a large amount of starch but also influences negatively urea ...faba beans may reduce protein degradation and therefore reduce the amount of ...


Liquid effluent treatment resorting to microalgae cultivation

Liquid effluent treatment resorting to microalgae cultivation

... For open cultivation systems we can mention natural or artificial ponds, circular ponds, cascade raceways and raceway ponds. Raceway ponds (fig.4) are oval shaped structure with 15 to 25 cm in depth, possess a ...


Strawberry cultivation in Brazil | Cultivo de morangos no Brasil

Strawberry cultivation in Brazil | Cultivo de morangos no Brasil

... The anthocyanin is other important substance responsible for strawberry color and human health. Environmental factors how light conditions, temperature, amount of irrigation, fertilization or cultivation systems ...


1 INTRODUCTION Cultivation of nonnative candeia (Eremanthus

1 INTRODUCTION Cultivation of nonnative candeia (Eremanthus

... ABSTRACT: Cultivation of nonnative candeia is an alternative way of obtaining raw material to meet the market demands for essential oils and fence ...candeia cultivation can be profitable when spacing ...


Go Beans: descubra Lisboa, um estudo sobre um produto alimentar com mais do que uma função

Go Beans: descubra Lisboa, um estudo sobre um produto alimentar com mais do que uma função

... Go Beans: Descubra Lisboa, a eleição destes como o consumidor final, deu-se ao fato de que é mais fácil manter um produto enquanto uma novidade por mais tempo, quando nos focamos em um público- alvo ...


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