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Braz. J. Phys. vol.32 número1


Academic year: 2018

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TCM/RUSFD - Tehnial Committee Meeting on Researh

Using Small Fusion Devies


Small fusion devies are still signiantly ontributing towards the worldwide eort to attain the ontrolled

thermonulearfusion. Themainadvantagesofusingthesemahinesforinvestigatingmagnetionnedplasmasare:


basiphysis,proesses,andtheories;and apabilityofhelping theimprovementand developmentofnewplasma

diagnosti systems. Due to these overall qualiations, many small fusion devies are still in operation, bothin

developinganddevelopedountries,presentingrihopportunities forinternationalollaboration.

The series of Tehnial Committee Meetings on Researh Using Small Fusion Devies TCM/RUSFD, under

the main sponsorshipof IAEA {International Atomi Energy Ageny, has started with the 1 st

meeting held in

Budapest,in1985, withthenameof TCMon Researh Using SmallTokamaks,and ontinueduntil the14 th


whihwasheld in theCampusoftheUniversityof S~aoPaulo,S~aoPaulo-Brazil,fromJune 25toJune27, 2001.

The loal organizing institution was theLaboratorio de Fsia de Plasmas, Instituto de Fsia - Universidade de

S~aoPaulo (LFP-IFUSP).

Themajor objetivesof the RUSFD meetings,sine thebeginning, were to providea forumfor disussion of

researh performed using small and medium sale fusion devies, theoretial developments, plasma appliations

and,also,tostimulateinternationalollaborations. Althoughthemeetingshavefousedmainlyonresultsobtained

with small and middle-size devies, in manyopportunities researhersfrom largerlaboratorieshaveattended the


exhangesientiexperienesin dierentlaboratoriesandindierentountries.

Thesientiprogramof the 14 th

TCM/RUSFD,held in S~aoPaulo,wasveryextensive andinluded Invited

Talks, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations, given by plasma sientists from 12 dierent ountries. The

topis that were disussed inluded: Toroidal Magneti Systems; Non-Toroidal Systems; Plasma Fous; Inertial


Appliations. Theleveloftheontributionswasquitehigh andtheeventwas asuess.

TheGuestEditorsofthisBJP SpeialIssuewishtotakethisopportunitytothankallthe14THTCM-RUSFD

partiipantsand, in speial, express theiraknowledgmentto Prof. Silvio Salinas,Editorof theBrazilian Journal

of Physis,forhisvaluablehelpandformakingthispubliationpossible,andalsotoallthefundingageniesthat

ontributedforthe realizationofthe meeting: IAEA{International Atomi Energy Ageny, USP- University of

S~ao Paulo, FAPESP { Funda~ao de Amparo aPesquisa do Estado de S~ao Paulo, CNPq{ Conselho Naional de

Pesquisas, and IFUSP-Physis Institute ofthe University of S~ao Paulo. FinallywethankMs. NeusaMartin for

hereÆientandhardworkinompiling allthepapersforthepresentBJPedition.


Guest Editors:

Prof. AlvaroVannui(SientiSeretary)

Prof. IvanC.Nasimento(Chairman)

Prof. RiardoM.O.Galv~ao


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