• Nenhum resultado encontrado


4.1. Alemanha

Na Alemanha, à semelhança do que ocorre no Brasil, não há definição jurídica satisfatória de crime organizado.579 Todavia, nos últimos vinte e cinco anos, os legisladores germânicos vêm buscando meios de investigação que possam fazer frente ao aumento vertiginoso deste tipo de criminalidade. Nesse contexto, o agente infiltrado foi introduzido no ordenamento jurídico alemão pela Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des illegalen Rauschgifthandels und anderer Erscheinungsformen der Organisierten Kriminalität (OrgK – Lei contra o tráfico ilícito de drogas e outras manifestações da criminalidade organizada), de 22 de setembro de 1992, a qual introduziu os artigos 110, alíneas a a e,580na lei processual penal do país - StrafprozeBbuch (StPO).

577 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 96. 578 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 19.

579 Jorg Kinzig, Mesures de lutte contre la criminalité organizée em Allemagne. In: Criminalité organisée – des représentations sociales aux définitions juridiques. Paris: L.G.D.J; Bruxelles: Bruylant; Genève: Georg, 2004, p. 647.

580 “Section 110a. [Undercover investigators]

(1) Undercover investigators may be used to clear up criminal offenses where there are sufficient factual indications showing that a criminal offense of considerable importance has been committed:

1. in the sphere of illegal trade in drugs or weapons, of counterfeiting money or official stamps, 2. in the sphere of national security (sections 74 a, 120 Courts Constitution Act),

3. on a commercial or habitual basis or

4. by a member of a gang or in some other organized way.

Undercover investigators may also be used to clear up serious criminal offenses where there is a risk of repetition in view of certain facts. Their use shall only be admissible if clearing up the serious criminal offense using some other means would offer no prospects of success or be much more difficult. Undercover investigators may also be used to clear up serious criminal offenses where the special significance of the offense makes the operation necessary and other measures would offer no prospects of success.

(2) Undercover investigators shall be officials in the police force who carry out investigations with a changed and lasting identity (legend) being conferred on them. They shall be entitled to take part in legal transactions using their legend.

(3) Where it is indispensable for building up or maintaining a legend, relevant documents may be drawn up, altered and used.

Section 110b. [Consent of the Public Prosecution Office; Consent of the Judge; Non-Disclosure of Identity] (1) Use of undercover investigators shall be admissible only after the consent of the public prosecution office has been obtained. In exigent circumstances and if the public prosecution office's decision cannot be obtained in time, such decision shall be obtained without delay; the measure shall be ended if the public prosecution office does not give its consent within three days. Consent shall be given in writing and for a specified period. Extensions shall be admissible providing the conditions for use of undercover investigators are still fulfilled.

(2) Use of undercover investigators: 1. concerning a specific accused, or

2. which involve the undercover investigator entering private premises which are not generally accessible shall require the consent of a judge. In exigent circumstances consent of the public prosecution office shall suffice. Where the public prosecution office's decision cannot be obtained in time, it shall be obtained without delay. The measure shall be ended if the judge does not give his consent within three days. Subsection (1), third and fourth sentences, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(3) The identity of the undercover investigator may be kept secret even after the operation has ended. The public prosecutor and the judge responsible for the decision whether to give consent may require the identity to be revealed to them. In all other cases, maintaining the secrecy of the identity in criminal proceedings shall be admissible under the terms of Section 96, particularly if there is cause for concern that revealing the identity will endanger the life, limb or liberty of the undercover investigator or of another person or endanger the continued use of the undercover investigator.

Section 110c. [Entering Private Premises]

Undercover investigators may use their legend and enter private premises with the consent of the entitled person. Such consent may not be obtained by any pretense of a right of access extending beyond the use of the legend. The undercover investigator's powers shall otherwise be determined by this statute and by other legal provisions.

Section 110d. [Notification]

(1) Persons whose private premises, not being generally accessible, have been entered by the undercover investigator, shall be notified of the operation as soon as this can be done without endangering the purpose of the investigation, public security, life or limb of another or the possible continued use of the undercover investigator.

(2) Decisions and other documents relating to use of the undercover investigators shall be kept by the public prosecution office. They shall only be included in the files if the preconditions set out in subsection (1) have been fulfilled.

Section 110e. [Use of Information Obtained]

Personal data obtained by use of undercover investigators may be used as evidence in other criminal proceedings only insofar as during their evaluation information was obtained which is required to clear up one of the criminal offenses listed in Section 110a subsection (1); Section 110d subsection (2) shall remain unaffected”.

No país, o recurso a agentes infiltrados está sujeito ao princípio da subsidiariedade, permitindo-se a utilização deste meio de investigação apenas quando as provas pretendidas não possam ser obtidas por outros meios. Ainda, é necessário que o crime seja considerado grave e que esteja relacionado com os crimes de tráfico de drogas ou de armas; falsificação de moeda, documentos ou valores; segurança do Estado; ou que tenha sido cometido por um grupo organizado581, nos termos do artigo 110, a, do StPO.

A lei alemã (artigo 110, alínea e, do StPO) ainda é enfática ao afirmar que a infiltração de agentes só poderá ocorrer uma vez presentes indícios suficientes da materialidade do delito, ou o perigo de sua repetição.582

Note-se que, naquele país, a infiltração de agentes apenas poderá ser efetuada mediante autorização prévia da autoridade judiciária, conforme determina o artigo 110, alínea c, da lei processual penal. Em casos de urgência, o magistrado pode ser substituído por um membro do Ministério Público. Caso nem a autorização judicial nem a ministerial sejam possíveis, o agente poderá agir, em casos de urgência, sem a autorização, mas esta deverá ser obtida dentro de três dias, sob pena de anulação da operação.583

Importante destacar que a lei alemã diferencia os agentes infiltrados dos informantes (informanten) e das chamadas “pessoas de confiança” (vertrauenspersonen) – ambos considerados como meras testemunhas pelo texto legal. Os infiltrados são diferenciados, também, dos agentes provocadores, baseando-se para isso na forma, intensidade e objetivo da influência exercida pelo infiltrado sobre o investigado, bem como na sua própria predisposição para o cometimento de crimes.584

O cometimento de crimes pelo agente no decurso de uma infiltração não é permitido pela lei alemã. A saída legal encontrada pelos infiltrados forçados a praticar delitos durante uma operação é, então, a invocação de uma causa de

581 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 97. 582 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 97. 583 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 97. 584 Isabel Oneto, O agente infiltrado..., ob. cit., p. 97.

justificação ou de exclusão de culpa, o que costuma gerar certa controvérsia jurisprudencial.585